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5 Natural Deodorants That Actually Work

5 Natural Deodorants That Actually Work

Fresh Scents for Style, Naturally

There have been so many times over the years I’ve stock my beauty cabinets with natural deodorants, only to cheat in despair with bodega conventional brands. The valiant efforts to live aluminum-free under the arms kept disappointing in performance. I’ve had natural deodorant almost (!) ruin a favorite silk dress and provide nose-squishing stares in ballet class.

Hints of public humility aside, I was still determined to find natural deodorants that actually work, because clogging up my skin to smell fresh seemed like a disastrous catch 22 I wasn’t willing to be submissive to.

Let my research be your bridge, here are five natural deodorants that actually work (yes, really) to keep b.o. at bay and leave you truly carefree and fresh. You and your workout team can thank me later. xo

[Click here to read the entire review]

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