What’s the secret to never aging? Gee, wouldn’t we all like to know (as I drink a cup of green tea infused with two tablespoons of coconut oil).
Well if there’s one thing we should know it’s 100% natural, organic, botanical ingredients is a sure fire way to go when it comes to restoring, protecting and rejuvenating our skin. The use of botanicals in skin care dates back to 2700BC! Are we surprised that the greatest skin treatments come straight from Mother Earth?
Julia Faller, founder of Benedetta, certainly believes in the holistic approach and her company has been going strong for over seventeen years. “It might sound cliche, but I became a formulator out of an intrinsic need for a skin care line that didn’t exist, at least in all my searching.” She says, “I entered the skin care industry being told by many cosmetic chemists that I couldn’t achieve what I wanted in a formula without petro-chemicals and additives, including preservatives. They were wrong!”
Botanical Products that Feed Your Skin