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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Farewell 2017...Welcome 2018!

Once again, it's that time when we reflect on the past year and set our intentions for the one to come. 2017 was certainly a year to remember as our planet endured hurricanes, earthquakes, unprecedented drought, and, for us in California, fires.

Our hearts go out to all of those that have lost loved ones and are still suffering from the devastations these disasters have brought. As a Sonoma County company, the fires got a little too close for comfort, instilling a deep empathy for all of those who were affected. Our intrinsic need to help was realized and executed swiftly, as were thousands of others in areas that lent a hand or gave from their pockets. I would like to thank all of you that gave by purchasing one our Body Lotions and to those that just gave selflessly. Every penny went to those impacted by our fires; your generosity surely gives us pause for what matters. Thank you!

Not only has 2017 been an unprecedented time of natural disasters, mass shootings, and civil unrest, our political climate has caused global division and unrest, the likes of which most of us have not experienced in our lifetime. All of this said, we are stronger than we are weak, and our resilience will always cancel out any nasty word or natural disaster. It’s in our human spirit that we truly unite and thrive in the bleakest of times.

It is in this spirit of love and care that we usher in the New Year and move positively into 2018! Benedetta will strive for excellence in manifesting kindness and community that shares these ideals. Our vision for 2018 is broad: new product launch, new packaging, and an integrated online magazine to aid in the creation of a more conscious lifestyle. We will focus on wellness, food, our community [near and far], the environment, and of course nutrient-rich skin care inside and out.

I am raising my glass and toasting to each of you a healthy, abundant, and joyous New Year!

From my heart to yours,


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