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Reflections On the Past Year With Blessings to All of You For A Vibrant 2025 Filled With Health, Happiness, and Abundance!

Reflections On the Past Year  With Blessings to All of You For A Vibrant 2025 Filled With Health, Happiness, and Abundance!

I am so grateful to all of you for using our wondrous preparations, truly created for the health of your skin and body.

The facial line has surpassed all my expectations on the ability to nourish and functionally protect the skin as well as prevent damage.  Other products were created and designed to eliminate toxic chemicals in and on our body, as well as sustainably protect our environment.

I’ve adapted in our second year of having our offices and distribution in the same location as our Store & Sanctuary, at 18 Petaluma, Blvd. in beautiful downtown Petaluma, in Sonoma County California.

The Sanctuary is my domain, where all services are done by me, (so far). The Signature 30-Minute Facial is a great way to get introduced to our extraordinary Facial Regimen. After-all I designed every product from customizing my clients facial, those 38 years ago. I honed my skills and observed the skins needs from a systemic and regenerative point of view. Taking my time and developing what is now Benedetta.

This last year has also been challenging for so many of us. Understood. As a manufacturer, supply chain and regulations seem unsurmountable at times. And then there’s the global pain and suffering, not to mention ….

None-the-less, it has also been amazing. Pick one thing you feel tremendous about and let the other thing (s) go. I feel grateful for all of you.

One individual in particular is Karina. Many of you may have remembered her story we posted in a previous email blast. I feel it bears repeating, by way of illustrating her trust in Benedetta and me as her practitioner and guide. Typically, I do not advertise or illicit clients with a-topic dermatitis or auto-immune responses or beyond, especially since I do not process a medical degree. 

Her 5-month journey to doctors only made her skin and heartbreak worse. Prescribed steroids and antibiotics only grew more frustrating as her skin continued to hurt as well as her mental health after taking prednisone.  Feeling defeated she sought the help of a local acupuncturist who after several treatments, referred her to me.

Prior to meeting Karina, her condition was described to me as a burn, when in fact it was a-topic and most likely microbial at the core. But it looked and felt like a burn. My approach was to give her some relief.  I wanted her know that I would do my best to at the very least get the heat to move out of her face. I decided to get her in my chair and do just that with my Anti-Inflammatory Crème Cleanser. I felt the heat radiating off her skin from about an inch away. She had conveyed that even water was painful to her skin, so her trust in me, a stranger, to massage her face was remarkable.

After removing the Anti-Inflammatory Cleanser I did a cold compress in spring water and biodynamic Lavender hydrosol with gentle pressure, and completed the treatment with Defense & Repair Crème, always the go to for sunburns. However, her skin felt irritated immediately after applying it. I explained that the oils in that preparation were very regenerative and may have been too soon for her skin to acclimate appropriately.

She left with the Anti-Inflammatory Starter kit and the Defense & Repair Crème (to use later that week). In addition to her skin care, I did a nutritional evaluation suggesting key apoptogenic nutrients along with overall systemic care using Probiotic, Omega rich oils and more.

Her recovery after 2 and half weeks was rewarding to say the least.

If traveling to Northern California, please stop in, we all would love to say hi and maybe give you our Signature Benedetta Facial

Happy New Year!

From my heart to yours,


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