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The Renewing Power of The Defense & Repair Elixir

The Renewing Power of The Defense & Repair Elixir

Hi Benedetta Friends,

I wanted to take a minute from my busy day of providing the very best in authentic formulations to speak to you about one of them, Benedetta’s Ombre Del Sole’s Defense & Repair Elixir. I just got done producing it and was reminded of the exquisite materials within it and why I designed it for you.

As with all of Benedetta’s micro-batched formulations, I always set a very clear intention. This formula is meant to renew your skin at its core and remain stable and fresh until the last drop is used.

What struck me to write this message was about the article on the alternative view and solutions to SPFs. I cite a study from Berkeley University that looked at the benefits of Red Marine Algae as an antidote to some of the sun and sunscreens' inherited problems.

  • Sun protection: red algae contains mycosporine-like amino acids, known as MAAs.
    • These amino acids function as free radical scavengers or powerful antioxidants helping to absorb solar energy and protect organisms from UV rays.
  • Anti-fungal and Anti-microbial properties
    • May help auto-immune skin responses like Seborrhea dermatitis and Tinea versicolor, also known as pityriasis versicolor, a common, harmless skin condition that causes patches of skin to be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. Dermatologists often suggest these and other skin abnormalities are caused by excessive sun exposure. Sunscreens doing nothing to help the problem but recent studies suggesting they increase the problem by breaking down our natural immunity.

Not only do we use a sustainably sourced Red Marine Algae from Brittany France, but I make two bioavailable extracts in different mediums just for the Defense & Repair Elixir.

But it is never just one “active” in Benedetta formulas that works, it is in the combination and marriage of synergies that unify and make each formula unique.

Among our Certified Organic ingredients in the Defense & Repair Elixir are the following, each with their individual qualities, but transcended by their complete formula synergies. 

  • Olive Juice Extract - Rich in Polysaccharides and Omega’s found from Tuscany.
  • Aloe Vera - Domestically grown and filleted a week before delivery to us
  • Frankincense Hydrosol – Regenerative, nourishing, reduces inflammation
  • Helichrysum Hydrosol - Soothes dehydration and burned skin
  • Lavender Hydrosol – Calms and balances
  • Helichrysum Italicum essential oil – Fights radiation, prevents and repairs sun-damaged

The function and design of the Defense & Repair Elixir is to complement the Defense & Repair Oil in particular but can be used with any oil or crème based Benedetta preparation. Allowing for better UV rays prevention and overall renewal of sun-damaged skin.

For best results use our 5-Step DAY and 3-Step Night System facial line. It is designed with functional care to purify, hydrate, and repair the skin, day and night.  Decreasing the risks of premature aging, sunspots, cellular breakdown, and degradation from sunscreens, makeup, and non-nutritive chemicals, both ingested and applied externally.

For more information and a more concise understanding watch some of our instructional videos. If you need more help please call and schedule a consultation with me at 707-665-3904. And if you are near or traveling to California, please come visit us and maybe even get our Signature Benedetta Facial at 18 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma, CA 94952.

From my heart to yours,


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