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My Evening Routine

My Evening Routine

And Loads Of LPN’s Evening Product Faves

A little while ago I received a very sweet email from a special LPN reader who asked me about my evening routine. She wondered this after reading my morning routine in a previous post earlier this year.

I live the average person’s hectic life… with a few ad-ons: I live in a foreign country and I travel a lot for my day job (in the past 2 months, I’ve spent about 40+ days on the road). Not surprisingly, this combination can often leave me feeling uprooted and unsettled, so for this reason, a nightly routine that helps me wind-down and ground down is very important, both on the road and at home. This post may be a long one, but I promise is packed with natural goodies that will get any organic beauty’s heart fluttering.

[Click here to read the entire review]

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