Happy Earth Day Everyone! Today holds a special meaning for me as it is a celebration of our wondrous planet. I am thankful for our oceans, forests, mountains, and all the vegetation this great planet has to offer. This is a day to recognize our planet with respect and reverence for its care and continued abundance. I am always grateful to the farmers that understand the intrinsic union between the soil and the life required to grow. The sustainability of Organic and particularly Biodynamic principles results in the most nutritious food (and skin food - Benedetta) on our planet. Mother Earth is our abundant habitat, our home, providing us with all things nourishing. The wonders of this habitat can cure many diseases and correct deficiencies. Our focus and accord with our Mother need only be recognized to truly understand this. I feel very blessed, hence the name Benedetta, to feel a communion and resonance with our botanical world and all that make them grow and thrive. I am reverent to all water ways and its keen importance to our existence. We are made up of 72% water and so is Mother Earth. We are born of this earth and we will go back to it. I am very grateful indeed to be blessed as a human being on this wondrously glorious planet. In closing, I would like to say that my intention has always been to create preparations that are as close to our earthly source as possible with reverence and respect for the intended user. I have been saying this for more than 20 years and it holds more meaning now than ever before. From my heart to yours,